Routine Should Set You Free
Avoid using 'original thought' on routine activities.
Routine Should Set You Free
A clear process allows 'original thought' to be deployed on cost, acquisition, and engagement, not wasted on routine activities.
Routine Should Set You Free
Use it to grow and develop your business.

‘Optimal’ time management is a game of inches. Delegation really matters. How you spend your time is probably the biggest impact on your income. Invest in your time by delegating. Advisers who earn more spend most of their time doing business development and client meetings rather than doing all the support work.

Getting over the first-hire-hump is the hardest.

So to give you an idea of how delegation impacts performance and cost, we have created a calculator which shows comparisons of different efficiency scenarios. Input your actual values to see comparison.

Want to see a more detailed breakdown of hours per task
in the Advice Process?